“My experience at the controversial Manifest 2024” by Maniano
EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

My experience at the recently controversial conference/festival on prediction markets Background I recently attended the triple whammy of rationalist-adjacent events of LessOnline, Summer Camp, and Manifest 2024. For the most part I had a really great time, and had more interesting conversations than I can count. The overlap between the attendees of each event was significant, and the topics discussed were pretty similar. The average attendee for these events is very smart, well-read, and most likely working in tech, consulting, or finance. People were extremely friendly, and in general the space initially felt like a high-trust environment approaching that of an average EAGlobal conference (which also has overlap with the rational-ish communities, especially when it comes to AI risks), even if the number of EA people there was fairly low–the events were very rationalist-coded. Nominally, Manifest was about prediction markets. However, the organizers had selected for multiple quite controversial [...] ---Outline:(00:05) My experience at the recently controversial conference/festival on prediction markets(00:13) Background(01:59) The Guardian article(02:03) I(03:25) II(05:45) Takeaways(07:23) Closing words with some extra ramblings and loose thoughts about vibesThe original text contained 2 footnotes which were omitted from this narration. --- First published: June 17th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/MHenxzydsNgRzSMHY/my-experience-at-the-controversial-manifest-2024 --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.