“Open Phil is hiring a leader for all Global Catastrophic Risks work” by Alexander_Berger

EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

I wanted to plug this Managing Director, Global Catastrophic Risks role we posted today. This is one of the ~3 most senior roles at Open Philanthropy and I'm excited to get someone great for it. Howie Lempel has been serving in this role on an interim basis since early this year, and we're now looking for someone permanent. We'll pay you $5K if you refer someone we hire. --- First published: November 15th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/GtLnpibg6RbhoAuLT/open-phil-is-hiring-a-leader-for-all-global-catastrophic --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.

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