“The Edge of Sentience: Risk and Precaution in Humans, Other Animals, and AI” by J. Birch

EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

My new book The Edge of Sentience: Risk and Precaution in Humans, Other Animals, and AI is available online for free at https://academic.oup.com/book/57949. Please download it! Just click on PDF to get a PDF of the whole book. Individual chapters are also available as PDFs - just click on whichever chapters you want. The book is completely free to everyone and I'm grateful for all shares and forwards. The print book will be released on 15 August in the UK and at some later time in the US, so please consider pre-ordering it. If you pre-order directly from the OUP website, you can get 30% off by using the code AAFLYG6. With the code, it's £21/$28 (and they can deliver to other countries, as I understand it). Here is an abstract: Can octopuses feel pain and pleasure? What about crabs, shrimps, insects, or spiders? How do we tell [...] The original text contained 1 image which was described by AI. --- First published: August 6th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/rLvCxitnYutgAR54v/the-edge-of-sentience-risk-and-precaution-in-humans-other --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO. ---Images from the article:Apple Podcasts and Spotify do not show images in the episode description. Try Pocket Casts, or another podcast app.

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