“Thoughts on the Purpose of EAGs” by Tristan Williams
EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - A podcast by EA Forum Team

And Other Recommendations for EAGs Based on The Art of The Gathering The Motivation: I read The Art of the Gathering awhile ago, and thought it had a lot of interesting insights for greater community building efforts. I realized that EAGs[1] might be a ripe place to try to apply some of these insights, and so I set out writing this piece. What was meant to be 10 similar-in-length suggestions naturally turned into a piece focused on the purpose of EAGs, but I hope you’ll still read over the other points too in the original spirit of the post, I think they have something to offer too. Epistemic Status: All the principles themselves have strong grounding in the book and are things I feel quite confident Parker would endorse. I’ll make concrete suggestions below for each, and also venture a long commentary on the potential [...] ---Outline:(01:16) 1. EAGs should have a clear purpose.(01:48) For Learning:(06:51) For Connection:(12:59) For Friendship:(18:01) For Impact:(24:47) 2. Don’t be a chill host(28:00) 3. Be clear about the admission bar:(32:01) 4. Make the introduction and conclusion priorities:(34:50) 5. Set norms and be explicit about them:(35:48) 6. Encourage longer (multi-hour) events:(37:33) 7. Use the time before to build excitement:(38:51) 8. Consider changing the space in ways more conducive to connection:(39:44) 9. Create a temporary alternative world:(40:50) 10. Model the behavior you want to see:The original text contained 16 footnotes which were omitted from this narration. --- First published: June 12th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/fRf5ySBQ5zkYHK98P/thoughts-on-the-purpose-of-eags --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.