15. Is it possible to be angry and NOT sin? What to do when anger wants to take over.

Emotionally Healthy Legacy- Anger management for Christian moms, Christian motherhood, mom rage, mom stress, parenting triggers, mom guilt, controlling anger, calm mom - A podcast by Elizabeth | Anger coach for Christian Moms, Christian Life Coach for angry moms - Miercuri

Text me. I would love to connect. Have you heard this verse? Ephesians 4:26. Be angry and do not sin. Have you every wondered- how in the world do I do that? Most of us when we experience anger, we tend to say or do hurtful things. So HOW do we help ourselves? In this episode I talk more about his verse and the following section of the verse which says we need to resolve the anger before the sun goes down. Is that literally what that means? What about all the hurtful things we say to one...

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