90. Struggling to find your priorities in this season of life? Here is some helpful tips to figure out what truly matters.

Emotionally Healthy Legacy- Anger management for Christian moms, Christian motherhood, mom rage, mom stress, parenting triggers, mom guilt, controlling anger, calm mom - A podcast by Elizabeth | Anger coach for Christian Moms, Christian Life Coach for angry moms - Miercuri

Text me. I would love to connect. What will truly matter 10-15 years from today? Your health? Your relationships? Your career? Your mental state? Your emotional wellness? Your relationship with God?In this episode I share:-A lesson I learned from a patient I worked with years ago in Physical Therapy-How to figure out what truly matters for you in the long run-How to adjust your daily decisions and choices with your priorities -How to say NO to things that don't alignLife is passing by. L...

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