Episode 104: Nature Calls

Emotionally Unavailable - A podcast by Malisa Hepner

Today's wonder woman is Heather Hendrie. She is a wonderful conversationalist and so much more. She does walk and talk therapy with clients in Whistler, BC, Canada but is also a writer! She is working to eradicate needless suffering by teaching people to heal and move better for themselves and future generations. Through her writing she is captivating an even wider audience by showing women, "it's happened to us too", in her book "Awfully Hilarious". AH is an anthology of stories from women who experienced things that at the time were awful, but with the opportunity to vent it and share, is actually hilarious and an opportunity to bond together through common experiences. I really loved talking with Heather and am really looking forward to the ability to connect with her in the future and excitedly watch her grow in this path she is on. You can find Heather and her links @ https://www.instagram.com/heather.hendrie/?hl=en. Enjoy!

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