Gamma Brainwaves the key to Teleportation, fly-by-thought tech & Space Ark activation
EXOPOLITICS TODAY with Dr. Michael Salla - A podcast by Dr. Michael Salla

Jean Charles Moyen is a filmmaker and former secret space program supersoldier with incredible teleportation abilities that have taken him to ancient Halls of Records and hidden Space Arks worldwide. He has provided compelling evidence for his claims in his documentary, Starseed Revelations 2, which documents how his teleportation abilities were scientifically tested and found to operate with high levels of gamma brain wave activity. Another important point of corroboration is that high levels of gamma brain wave activity were similarly found in another supersoldier, Stephen Chua about whom a book is soon to be released. Chua was asked to pilot fly-by-thought F-15F jet aircraft at Area 51 in the mid-1980s. Brain injuries had been sustained by test pilots who didn't possess the required gamma brain waves. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Moyen discusses a recent incident where his teleportation ability impacted his cell phone's GPS to show a target location he was visualizing in Japan rather than his home office in Quebec, Canada, where he was residing. In addition to discussing Chua's information about gamma brainwaves in classified programs, Moyen discussed his teleportation experience as a 10-year-old to an underwater complex of three large buildings and spacecraft belonging to an aquatic civilization. His description has many similarities to a September 1, 2022 mission report by US Army Insider JP to an underwater civilization comprising three dome-like structures. Finally, Moyen shares his insights about Space Arks he has visited, orbs that are collecting data on humanity, and the possibility of a false flag alien event being used by the Deep State in a last-gasp effort to stay in power. Jean Charles Moyen Jean Charles Moyen’s Starseed Revelation2 is available at: