Silver State Monsters

Expanded Perspectives - A podcast by Expanded Perspectives - Vineri

On this episode of Expanded Perspectives the guys start the show off talking about how the coronavirus is ruining everything including gambling. Because they are covering the great state of Nevada, they talk about the shut down of Las Vegas, video poker and the human cockroach! Then they get into a strange listener story from Sydney, Australia and some odd UFO sightings! After the break, Cam continues his march across the United States by exploring high strangeness one state at a time. Today he talks about the Silver State also known as Nevada!

Beyond the glittering lights of Las Vegas or the incredible mountains of Lake Tahoe, there is an unseen version of the state of Nevada. A state that has many mysteries and a large array of cryptic creatures. Does the legendary Sasquatch roam the deserts and mountains of the Silver State? Does a monster swim in Lake Tahoe? And what exactly are the dreaded water babies of Pyramid Lake? Join in on this episode of Expanded Perspectives where you'll find out.
Shown Notes:

Large Translucent Manta Ray Crptid Seen in Texas
Silver State Monsters: Cryptids & Legends of Nevada

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