110. Lea Taylor Triumphantly Disgraces Herself in the Tesco Car Park

Fancy Free Podcast - A podcast by Joanne Jarrett

Lea Taylor has SO many funny stories! The Tesco car park disgrace, figure-of-speech misunderstandings, close encounters with royal crotches, and a BUNCH more. You will LAUGH! We were introduced by Mary Turner Thomson. If you haven't heard her episodes, they. Are. FASCINATING!!!  64. Mary Turner Thomson Finds Out She's Married to a Bigamist, Con Man, and Psychopath Bonus 11. Mary Turner Thomson Tells Us More About Her Life Married to a Psychopath Listen to Lea's Podcast Here is Victoria Woods singing "Let's Do It." Here is the song that was playing as the plane took off from South America. Lea is loving: The British TV show Motherland The Podcast You're Dead to Me Lea Taylor is an author and professional storyteller; through her work she has stopped double decker buses on The Royal Mile, Edinburgh, chained herself to railings, dressed up as one of Mary Queen of Scots courtiers (try driving in a hooped dress, its a hoot!), she's ridden trams in Canada dressed as a Suffragette (toffee hammer to the ready!) and woven her own willow dogs for performances she has written. She's also trained Scottish Ministers to tell fairy tales! As an author life is just as bonkers only the scenarios are played out on the page. Find Lea: on Amazon, her book The House Beside the Cherry Tree: Motherhood Doesn't Come Easy on her website A Way With Stories on Twitter @leataylor5783 at The Book Whisperers Things to Know: Get your cozy clothes at ShelfieShoppe! Use code FANCYFREE for free shipping. Join Fancy Free's private Facebook Group! It's so much fun!  Click the Subscribe button so you don't miss a single episode! Leave a rating and written review! I will be forever grateful!!! If you have your own not-so-fancy story to tell, email me at [email protected]! Do it. It'll be fun! The best way to help Fancy Free reach more listeners is to tell a friend about it. Share the laughter! Thanks so much for listening, have a great week, and remember NO ONE is as fancy as they look! ~Joanne

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