Is it Anti-Semitism or "Anti-Whiteness?"

Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone - A podcast by Sasha Stone - Luni


Our country, at the hands of the Left, is falling apart. There is no center. It is as though termites have eaten away the foundation as we allowed so many activists to dismantle their “systems of oppression,” otherwise known as our heroes, our history, our movies, our achievements, our books, our poetry, our art. If America built it, it is corrupt, say the Woketopians.We’ve seen them edging ever so close to violence as a means to an end. We’ve ignored the warning signs because it was so much easier to demonize and dehumanize Trump and MAGA, and now, I fear, we’re heading into the danger zone.We’ve been here before. Right around the time of the Manson murders in 1969, the silent majority was waking up to what the Left had become, something not unlike today’s Left.In March of 1970, as the Manson trials were getting underway, the New York Times wrote an expose of the radical Left’s Weather Underground:The outbreak of explosions at a variety of establishment targets— corporate offices, police stations, draft and induction centers and the like—underscores a new mood among frustrated radicals. It appears to have been intensified by the outcome of the trial of the Chicago Seven as well as the various pending Black Panther trials.One letter by the Weather Underground reads as follows:“To work for the industries of death is to murder. To know the torments Amerika inflicts on the Third World, but not to sympathize and identify, is to deny our own humanity. It is to deny our right to love—and not to love is to die. We refuse. In death‐directed Amerika there is only one way to a life of love and freedom: to attack and destroy the forces of death and exploitation and to build a just society—revolution.”Charles Manson parroted these talking points to brainwash his cult. His words are indistinguishable from theirs, though noticeably less articulate. When Manson had his followers scrawl the words “death to pigs” in the blood of their victims, it was meant to throw law enforcement off track and blame Black radicals.As horrific as that sounds, we’re seeing echoes of that kind of mindset in today’s young, whipped up into a frenzy they can’t quite control. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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