[Listen] Yes, Trump Should Debate Harris
Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone - A podcast by Sasha Stone - Luni

[This was already posted as a story, here is the podcast version]Trump is under no obligation to debate Kamala Harris, who was hand-picked for the nomination without so much as a single vote. They can’t just change the rules and expect everyone else to comply. On the other hand, it might not be a bad idea. Trump can do the job the media will not. A debate might be the only time Harris will be made to answer any tough questions before the election. True, Trump runs the risk of the debate going badly for him and tipping the race to Harris - and he should listen to smarter minds than mine — but here are some things to consider. He towers over herIf it’s a standing debate people should see the height differential. Do we want a tiny woman of 5’2 facing off Putin and Xi? Even Hillary Clinton, at 5’5, is taller than Harris. Here is Harris and Biden. Trump should debate town hall-style or a standing debate for this reason. Americans are looking for strength, not weakness. Harris likes attacking powerful men, but it often backfires.Her attacks on men often seem, at least to me, like sound and fury signifying nothing. She tends to ask the same question repeatedly, and because it looks and sounds serious, we’re all supposed to see her as “tough.” But much of the time, there is no THERE there.Harris went along with pushing Al Franken out of the Senate. She was a passionate believer in Russiagate and is thought of by women on the Left as the Trump destroyer. I have my doubts. * Trump can make her look bad by coming off as a kinder, gentler version of the villain the media sells. * Trump should be the sane one, not the crazy one.* Trump should be nice when she is being mean.* Trump should always pivot away from personal attacks against him to how they should be serving the people, as in, “If you spent half as much time trying to make life better for Americans instead of trying to put me in jail maybe your approval numbers would be higher.”* “All you had to do in four years was offer people something better. You never could. That’s why they want me back. They’re desperate for anyone who will care about them instead of focusing only on identity politics.”* “The American people are disgusted by how authoritarian this administration became. Harris will only make that worse. You won’t recognize this country after she gets through with it.”* “This election shouldn’t be about making history for one person. It should be about making America great again for all people.”Question her competence since becoming VeepHarris has always been greeted with admiration and love by the media. She has failed upwards in her career, thanks to her mentorship by very powerful men, including Barack Obama.That’s not to say she isn’t a good Attorney General or Senator. But as Vice President, she failed. She was the worst Vice President in United States history.As long as Trump stays completely away from race or her sexual past and keeps it focused on her incompetence, she will flail.She Betrayed Joe BidenHarris betrayed Joe Biden not once, but twice. First, she launched an emotional accusation of racism against him:She even sold t-shirts.She then wrote it off as “just a debate.” Even sycophant Stephen Colbert was taken aback by this lame excuse.She was lying at the debate, later to Joe, or to Colbert. Either way, she was lying. She acted loyal to Joe Biden, but when it came down to it, she was happy to agree to the 25th Amendment her good friend Joe to force him out. That’s the story, anyway. Trump should call her out on that. Who else will? If Trump does not debate her, the American public will never hear any of it. The Last Person in the RoomPer Joe Biden, Harris was “the last person in the room” on his worst decisions—the last person in the room on Afghanistan, the last person in the room on the border, and the last person in the room on inflation. Harris owns all of it. She owns being that close to Joe Biden “multiple times per day” and saying nothing of his cognitive decline. Here, just after the debate, she insists Biden is capable and just had a bad night. Did she really believe that or was the plan already in the works and she was playing the part of the loyal Veep?She owns the withdrawal from Afghanistan. If Joe Biden didn’t know what he was doing, she most certainly didn’t. Is that who we want as Commander in Chief?Afghanistan:The BorderHarris must be held accountable for the rapes and murders because of the failed border policy.Here is a montage of the crisis at the border, with the rapes and murders intercut with Harris’ excuses. InflationIt goes on and on. This administration has been one failure after another. She will never be held accountable unless Trump debates her. How she loses her cool…For the entirety of Harris’ career, you can count the number of hard interviews or criticisms she’s received on one hand. When confronted, which is rare, she doesn’t handle it well. As Bob Dylan would say, “She breaks just like a little girl.” AND THAT LITTLE GIRL WAS ME!You just have to know which buttons to press. With Harris, nothing sends her into a tailspin like questioning her competence. Although she has been praised for decades for being a winner, she was a loser throughout the Biden administration and is now responsible for the state of the country.She is not just running on Joe Biden’s record but also on her record as the “last person in the room.”Lester Holt pressed her on her competency and kept pressing until she snapped. This reporter did the same thing. It didn’t go well.Her laugh, or her cackle, seems to hide the intense emotions that bubble up within her. She will lash out when she gets angry enough, and Trump should expect to see some of that in the debate. Here is an example making the rounds on social media: Trump should do everything he can to hit those pressure points where she feels weak. For her, that’s anyone questioning the job she has done. She could not handle the low approval numbers she received because, for her entire career, she’s been love-bombed by the media.Here are some suggested pressure points:* “If it weren’t for Obama, she’d never be Vice President or a presidential candidate. No other candidate who did that badly in the 2020 primary would have been made Vice President. And certainly no Vice President who did that badly would not be selected to run as President.” * “She wrecked San Francisco.”* “She’s more sympathetic to illegal migrants than the citizens of the United States.”* “She went to visit Jacob Blake’s family after Kenosha burned to the ground on the lie that Blake was unarmed and there to break up a fight. He was armed, and he was about to kidnap the children. She didn’t care about the destroyed businesses or the crime in the cities after Defund the Police. She bailed out protesters.”* “Who is the real Kamala Harris? No one knows. They’re just going to put her in office and see what happens. What could possibly go wrong?”* “She flip-flops on whatever is popular at the time. No one even knows where she stands on any issue. She pretends to be tough on crime. But she refused to seek the death penalty for a cop-killer, choosing politics over justice.”* “She believes in equity over equality of opportunity.” * She is fully on board with “gender-affirming care” on minors and is supportive of biological men playing in women’s sports. * “It’s time to turn the page. The American people want change, not the same old thing by people who don’t care about them.”None of this will get through unless Trump agrees to debate Harris, even on her terms. It might be the only chance the American people will have to hear her speak without a teleprompter. Trump should agree to debate her on ABC and still follow through with the debate on Fox. He should use that time to dismantle the Harris candidacy and potential presidency, with special guest stars JD Vance, Tulsi Gabbard, and Glenn Greenwald.If Trump skips this opportunity, the media will write the narrative, and that will help them drag her over the finish line. And that won’t be the worst thing in the world. Their empire is collapsing no matter what. Trump can go play golf and live out his life having rescued his legacy. On the other hand, Harris is exactly the kind of president who will make the Biden DOJ look like child’s play. //end This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sashastone.substack.com/subscribe