The Two Faces of Joe Biden

Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning with Sasha Stone - A podcast by Sasha Stone - Luni


“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” ― John SteinbeckI not only believed in the myth of Joe Biden, I helped sell it. My father had just died and it was easy for me to transpose my grief onto Joe as I tried to convince my fellow Hillary supporters that he was the only candidate to beat Trump. Yes, the “old white guy” whose moment had finally arrived. He would save us, we all thought. He was empathetic and kind. He was, I insisted, a good man.He’d once crossed the street in DC as the then Vice President to talk to my daughter’s 5th-grade class. My daughter stood just inches away from him. Who didn’t love Joe? Scranton Joe is the good man, the good father, who rode the Amtrak train home from DC every day to be with his family. He’s the forward-thinking progressive who fought for the Black community, for victims of sexual assault, and for gay rights before even Obama did.He was famously almost too young to serve when elected to the Senate in 1972. Here he is alongside his family, celebrating his birthday just one month before his wife and baby daughter would be killed in a car crash.How could so much good fortune be cut short by a tragedy that would leave his two boys without a mother? His young son Hunter suffered from a head injury while his other son Beau survived with broken bones.Joe Biden was sworn in at the hospital as his two young sons looked on with confusion. He pledged to put them first, and abandon his political career if it ever came to that.But there is another Joe Biden. It’s the one who has shunned his granddaughter he pretends does not exist. At least with the Biden name she could make something of herself. But no, says Joe. She isn’t one of us. It’s the Joe Biden who would exploit a family tragedy to hold a press conference and photo-op that was good for his image while being sworn in in1972. It’s the Joe Biden who claimed the death of his son Beau kept him from running as Obama’s successor in 2016, when the truth was that Obama didn’t want him to run. He wanted Hillary instead. "The incredible bond I have with my children is the gift I'm not sure I would have had, had I not been through what I went through [after the fatal crash]. But by focusing on my sons, I found my redemption." - Joe Biden, Yale Commencement Address, 2015As a Senator in 1972, Joe Biden would bear witness to the downfall of Richard Nixon, just two years away from resignation. He could not know all of those decades ago that he would face something far more serious than being caught on tape offering to pay off a blackmailer. No, this isn’t obstruction of justice Biden is accused of participating in. It’s out-and-out corruption, the worst kind, being a politician who traded power and influence for profit.Comparing what Biden is alleged to have done with even the most serious charges against Trump is laughable. The more of Biden’s story that is revealed, the worse the Trump hunters will look. As always, the legacy media is the only thing standing in the way of a Nixon-like downfall for Joe. They’re in way too deep now. If Biden goes down, so do they. After all, they were responsible for helping put Joe in power in 2020, to absolve themselves of the sins of Trump. Now, they will pay a price for ignoring the Biden scandal. All the President’s SonsIt’s hard to look at Joe Biden’s life and not think about East of Eden, the Steinbeck novel turned into a movie in 1955, based on the story of Cain and Abel. It’s not the same story, but it’s similar enough. The golden child, Beau, was meant to carry on the family name and was preparing to run for governor when he died tragically in 2015.The other son, Hunter, the wayward Cain, or Cal, was nothing but trouble for his father, acting out in obvious ways to get his approval and attention, but never quite getting it, engaging in corruption to enrich the Biden family. Hunter didn’t just engage in high risk behavior with cocaine and hookers, he did it on camera, uploaded it to porn sites, and left it all on his laptops, which he then abandon at a computer repair shop.He wasn’t exactly hiding it - if anything, he seemed like he was begging to get caught, to finally experience some of the much-needed consequences that might have changed his life. But they never came then and they won’t be coming now. But what about Joe? Did he have anything to do with the pay-offs by foreign leaders to buy influence? If he skimmed off the top and feigned ignorance, it would be one thing. But it’s far more sinister than that. If the allegations against him are true, Biden used the son with the dirty reputation as a go-between, knowing if they ever got caught, Hunter would take the fall. Biden would make sure he didn’t go to jail.Even as his son was spiraling into drugs and alcohol and his other son was dying of brain cancer, Joe Biden still managed to push forward to cash in on the Biden name and his position in the Obama administration.In 2013, Hunter Biden started a fund with the Chinese government, with Joe bringing Hunter there to meet with the CEO, the Chinese then greenlighted the fund, and Beau Biden was diagnosed with brain cancerIn 2014, Burisma appointed Hunter Biden to their Board of Directors, paying him $83K monthly, and while he and Devon Archer formed Rosemont Seneca as Joe Biden flew to Ukraine to speak against corruption, a “Kazakhstani oil company and Burisma joined with the Chinese company to announce a transnational financial arrangement.” [dw]In 2015, Hunter Biden organized a dinner at Cafe Milano where Joe Biden dropped by to meet a high-level Burisma official, Vadym Pozharskyi, Beau Biden’s cancer has returned, and he died in May of 2015.Also, in 2015, a Burisma source said, “It costs 5 million to pay one Biden and 5 million to pay another Biden.” [dw]In April of 2019, Hunter Biden dropped off three damaged laptops at a computer repair shop. By October 14, 2020, the New York Post would break the story that was then silenced by Twitter and Facebook and dismissed as “Russian Disinformation.” In October 2020, Tucker Carlson broke the Tony Bobulinski story, which the legacy media and late-night comedy hosts roundly mock. In 2021, NPR’s story on Hunter Biden: “Biden writes that his addictions entered a particularly dark phase after Beau died of brain cancer in 2015. It got to the point where in an intervention in early 2019, his father held him in a bear hug, saying, "I don't know what to do."In 2022, Elon Musk bought Twitter, and the Twitter Files exposed corruption at the FBI, pushing Facebook and Twitter to bury the laptop story and protect Joe Biden in the run-up to the election.Follow the MoneyThe legacy press have become zombie-like in their ongoing Trump trance, refusing to chase what has to be the biggest political story of the decade, maybe of the century. With Nixon, the cover-up was far worse than the crime itself, but in Biden’s case, both the crime and the cover-up are equally bad. Dozens of government officials, experts, activists, and journalists have had Biden’s back and covered for him. Now, as the house of cards they’ve built, the Madoff-like empire of lies finally collapses, all of them will be dragged down with it. When will the reporters figure this out and start aggressively chasing the story? It’s hard to know. They’ve all been mandated to track the Trump indictments, which seem like child’s play by comparison, and Jack Smith is just a few headlines away from looking like a fool. Peter Baker of the New York Times tweeted something that indicates he’s at least asking the right questions:As long as the Justice Department and the propaganda media keep the focus on Trump, they can deflect from high crimes by the Biden family. Yet, this story goes all the way back to the “perfect phone call” that led to the first impeachment. Imagine that. Trump getting impeached for daring to ask about the Bidens’ involvement in Ukraine. We’re witnessing unprecedented corruption at the top, yet, here we are, with only a slim GOP majority in the House aggressively chasing the scandal and a handful of outsider reporters who give a damn.Everyone else shrugs and moves on. But that was exactly how Watergate went down too. It wasn’t a story until it was a story. From The Spectator:We’re in the middle of corruption bigger than our own democracy. We, the people, are not equipped to manage something that involves an actual hot war. Yet, we deserve to know just how deep Biden’s involvement goes with the Ukraine government. Since they tied Trump to Russia, and many Americans side with Ukraine the same way they side with Democrats, no wonder the scales of justice have been so lopsided lately. They have conflated Putin and Trump, yet it’s really Biden and Ukraine that deserves closer scrutiny. Explained here by Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn on America This Week: I left the Democratic Party in 2020 after I watched them rig the election with dark money and well-educated lawyers who could simply rewrite any law that got in their way, not to mention a permanent propaganda press to do their bidding. I already knew they were corrupt and that they were lying to the public about almost everything, from COVID to lockdowns to voting to the protests in the Summer and January 6th, and that meant all of the experts they dragged out to back them up were lying too.Health experts say racism is more important than COVID.Military experts tell Trump not to send in the military during the protests over the Summer.And yes, from Politico:It just tugs at your heart, doesn’t it? That they could lie so brazenly, thinking themselves on the right side of history because they were stopping a once-in-a-generation threat to “Democracy”? But at what cost to the rest of us?How long will they be able to keep the balls spinning? How long can they fool the public? How long will the legacy press turn a blind eye? And worse, how will we ever trust our government, our FBI, our experts ever again?We used to have journalists in the mainstream who cared more about the public’s trust more than they cared about their own image on social media. What hope do we have now except our faith a few good Republicans with a slim majority in the House to bring forth witnesses who will risk everything just to tell the truth. This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit

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