Comfortably clothed - with Nick & Shaun

Garmology - A podcast about clothes, and stuff. - A podcast by Nick Johannessen

This episode finds Shaun back for another chat about, well, clothes and stuff really. More specifically the comfort we find in cloths, in which ways clothes may be comfortable and whether there is a disproportionate relationship between comfort and style. Underway a startling revelation is made (just what does Nick wear to collect his mail?), possibly spurious allegations are put forward (does Shaun really have a Spice Girls t-shirt?) and a pause in conversation is prompted when Magnus, the keeshond puppy, decides to cause domestic havoc. Best enjoyed with a mug of tea, or a woodland walk, or even both at the same time, according to Garment Gazers Gazette (a made-up publication that provides the best promotional quotes).

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