33: Januar, Februar, März, ... | January, February, March, ...
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten - A podcast by german-stories.com

Months & demonstrative pronouns: dieser, dieses, diese. Fritz and Paul are training in the gym. Fritz warns him not to keep upsetting their friends with his messages. Instead, he suggests a party at Paul's place. That way, he would have a chance to work things out in person with everybody. But Paul refuses. He thinks Anna stole the book. Fritz says, maybe he can help because he has an idea ... What is Fritz's idea? How does he want to help? Transcript, lesson and extras: german-stories.com/33-januar-februar-maerz-months-demonstrative-pronouns-dieser-dieses-diese Learning German with training wheels The characters in our story DON'T speak at a regular speed, just like native speakers among themselves. Why?They speak natural German. But we put in countless hours of work to direct every voice actor so that he or she speaks a bit slower and more clearly, adapted to the language level. You can always speed up the audio in the app. We believe this is the better way. Just as we believe that at the beginning, training wheels teach a child to ride a bike better than bruises from falls do. If you want know why we spent over 1 1/2 years of work before we even published our first lesson, go to german-stories.com/the-best-way-to-learn-german Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: chris-german.setmore.com Connect with us: FACEBOOK: facebook.com/LearnGermanWithStories TWITTER: twitter.com/_germanstories INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/german.stories.official Buy us a cup of coffee: Paypal Donate Link: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R386844TUXZUE Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/32tKQgF If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-)