7: Wann hast du Zeit? | When do you have time?
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten - A podcast by german-stories.com

Make an appointment, alphabet part 1 & the declarative sentence, verb conjugations singular: (er, sie, es) kommt, wohnt, arbeitet. Paul calls Anna. They arrange to meet for coffee on Wednesday. On Tuesday, Anna has no time because she already meets Meili. Anna meets Meili privately? Are they friends now? She didn't say anything about it ... Transcript, lesson and extras: german-stories.com/7-wann-hast-du-zeit-make-an-appointment-alphabet We got something for YOU Grammar, and vocabulary drills can make your life easier. Do you know what's also great for your German learning? The hints and learning tips on the German Stories website! Why not try them out for FREE? Just go to german-stories.com Book a German class with our show host Christian: Booking link: chris-german.setmore.com Connect with us: FACEBOOK: facebook.com/LearnGermanWithStories TWITTER: twitter.com/_germanstories INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/german.stories.official Buy us a cup of coffee: Paypal Donate Link: paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R386844TUXZUE Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: This link might help to find us on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/32tKQgF If not, launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone / iPad and tap the search icon (on top). Search for “German Stories | Learn German with Stories”, and tap on our podcast. Once you're there, scroll down to "Ratings & Reviews", and tap "Write a Review" (or log in first). Write us something nice and give us 5 stars :-)