78: Paul muss es Laura sagen | Paul has to tell Laura
German Stories - Learn German with Stories | Deutsch lernen mit Geschichten - A podcast by german-stories.com

Understand online comments & question words and pronouns in the accusative and dative: wem, wen, welcher, welchen, keinen, keinem, jemanden, jemandem, .... Working online has become a good income source for Paul. He reads some blog comments during the train ride to Sylt: Among other things, people write that at first Paul only took advantage of Laura as a source of information. He answers her message and says he doesn't have time for a date. She wants to know why but he doesn't tell her. He really likes her, and he thinks he will lose her if he tells her that at the beginning he only used her to get information from her. But because people already know the truth, she will find out sooner or later. He figures he has to tell her, but how? How can he soften the news for her that at first he only dated her because he needed information? Transcript, lesson and extras: german-stories.com/78-paul-muss-es-laura-sagen-wem-wen-welchen-jemandem It's great to learn German for free ... but our German Stories members learn so much more! We want to tell our easy German Stories to the whole world. That’s why the podcast will always stay free. But without the support of our members, we couldn't do this. You can get your German Stories membership for little money. Not only will you improve your German, but you'll also help us create more material - which you can then benefit from. Just go to german-stories.com/membership-account/german-stories-membership Thank you! Buy us a cup of coffee: Support us via PayPal Leave us a review on Google: Review us on Google Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts: Review us on Apple Podcasts You need to be logged in. You can also find us in the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone: Tap the search icon on top. Then search for “German Stories”. Once you're on our page, go down to "Ratings & Reviews". Then tap "Write a Review". Follow us on social media: Social media & more