(Explicit) Is it safe to be DIFFERENT (#Gay) in #America? - #TheFlyGuysPodcast

Get On Code : Our Black Empowerment - A podcast by Our Black Empowerment

#CrazyConversations!! [Not Safe For Work] [ Politically insensitive] [Not for youth] Take note - #DjSekoVarner is not necessarily agreeing to the views expressed in this podcast. In this profane episode of the #FlyGuysPodcast Fly Guy Seko, a little under the weather, chats up #LGBTQ members Fly Guy Sam and Seko's 1-5-1 Inc. line brother Eddye (from the defunct 'Lucky & The Mask podcast) about being safe in America as a member of the LGBTQI community. Along the way Seko learns about Gay culture's love for #BMWs and #Subaru's, who is @theebillyporter (Yeah, Seko didn't know who Billy Porter was), possible positive #Biblical #homosexual references, and the three veer into conversations about President #Trump's #America, #SafesSpaces, the differences in persecution on the basis of sexual orientation versus on the basis of race, and can Seko continue to value aspects of his fellow HOTEPs who don't value homosexual lifestyles and still be somewhat of an #Ally to the LGBTQIA community. Take note - Seko is not necessarily agreeing to the points made in this podcast.

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