I couldn't be upset when he took his child back (2014) - John Epting on The #FlyGuysPodcast

Get On Code : Our Black Empowerment - A podcast by Our Black Empowerment

Enjoy a throwback from 2014 with @GrandpaCrunk and #DJPoloShawty with guest @jcepting from #WFG. Father, Husband, Servant Leader, Financial guru, Business mentor, and Motivational-man. John Epting shares jewels on Life, Fatherhood, Improvement, How to reduce the Chiraq (Chicago Youth) violence occurring in his hometown. Most poignantly, John shares how he "couldn't be mad" when his five year old daughter returned to the Almighty, and how parents should change their mindsets regarding the ownership of children. John can be reached here: https://twitter.com/jcepting or by visiting johneptingjr.wfgopportunity.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-epting-a9a7206/

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