Prayer Edition | Day 21 | GirlTrek Nation
GirlTrek's Black History Bootcamp - A podcast by Morgan Dixon + Vanessa Garrison

“Again, I tell you truly that if two of you on the earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in heaven. For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.” -- Matthew 18:19-20Dear Family,You walked with us, you prayed with us, you learned with us and last night (we could not make this up y’all. #divinetiming #Godswork) you helped our Black History Bootcamp walking podcast reach one million downloads!!!!Now, this is what you call spiritual warriorship!You made this happen! Your prayers. Your walking. And, today, on the last day of this 21-day spiritual journey, we celebrate YOU as our Spiritual Warriors! With each person you invited to join you on this journey, for every tweet that you sent, IG tag, or FB post that you made – you helped us inspire more people to start walking towards their healing. Imagine the power of that. This is God’s work and you are His servants. Thank you.Today’s walk is a celebration. The story will be your story. A story of victory and triumph against all odds. Lace-up your sneakers and join us live TODAY at 12 PM, ET.“The Bible says, 'For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.' There is power in our ranks. We believe in that same God that spoke to Sojourner, protected Ida, and animated Angela - lives in us. We believe that there is something divinely beautiful and powerful in every Black woman. We believe in holding up the light – celebrating sisters, amplifying what’s working and lifting up champions.” – Excerpt GirlTrek Manifesto, 2014Join GirlTrek’s Black History Bootcamp - The Prayer Edition at to receive specially curated emails with prayers, survival tips, speeches + dedicated songs to listen to for each episode. Together we will discover the stories of 21 spiritual warriors.Disclaimer: We do not own the rights to the music or speech excerpt played during this broadcast. Original content can be found here:Keep Ya Head Up - 2Pac: the Fire and LIVE. [Poem by Sonia Sanchez Read by GirlTrek Volunteers]: