A Goddess Tribe: Do Your Friendships Create a Circle or a Cage?

Glow Your Goddess Podcast - A podcast by Joy Berkheimer

In this episode, we'll explore the reality of how your friends could be showing up for you, could be keeping you stuck in a space on your journey that no longer serves you or could propelling you the way a healthy support system should.  Want more Glow Your Goddess guidance? Check out the new book: https://www.amazon.com/Why-Wont-Call-Empowering-Relationships-ebook/dp/B086J9J5ZL/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=why+won%27t+he+call&qid=1586994073&sr=8-1 The book launch is right around the corner where we'll discuss how the book is going to help you glow your goddess, you'll have an opportunity to hear from other expert goddesses (@kebamusic & @sara.evolve) who help women glow up all day every day and you'll have a chance of a whole bunch of give aways (signed copies of the book, goddess swag, etc)! RSVP to attend on 4/20 here: https://facebook.com/events/s/book-launch-party-why-wont-he-/490122418536976/?ti=icl

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