Dana Caldemeyer, Associate Professor of History at South Georgia State College

Heartland History - A podcast by Midwestern History Association

Heartland History is back! We are thrilled to host a conversation with guest Dr. Dana Caldemeyer, Associate Professor of History at South Georgia State College. Dr. Caldemeyer talks with our new host Dr. Camden Burd about her new book "Union Renegades: Miners, Capitalism, and Organizing in the Gilded Age" (2021)published by the University of Illinois Press. Their conversation covers the tangled relationship of miners in the Midwest to labor organizations and to the corporate entities that employed them. If you are interested in Dr. Caldemeyer's book, follow this link or order a copy from your local independent bookseller: https://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/catalog/39dem6cr9780252043505.html

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