Do you find the new RSA ad campaign offensive?
Lunchtime Live Highlights - A podcast by Newstalk
A new Road Safety Authority advert has been criticised as an insult to non car users, those with disabilities and public transport users.The ad features a young man relying on others to get around – in the video, quite literally, he is being carried in the arms of friends and family as he gets from place to place.The RSA shared the video online saying - ‘When you lose your licence, you become reliant on other people to take you where you need to go and you become a burden for others. If you get caught drink or drug driving, you will be disqualified’.What do you think?To discuss, Andrea Gilligan is joined by Dr Sean Owens from Irish Doctors for the Environment, Neasa Bheilbigh, Chairperson with the Irish Cycling Campaign, Bernard Mulvany from Access For All and more.Image: RSA