#38 Christer Sjöberg

Hylurinn Hlaðvarp - A podcast by Hylurinn Hlaðvarp

When it comes to modern fly fishing there are few that have had more of an impact than Christer Sjöberg. Not only through founding Loop tackle but also from travelling the world looking for new and exciting places to introduce to the clients of Solid Adventures.  Christers story is an amazing one and I was lucky enough to sit down with him for a short talk about his life in fly fishing. In an hour long interview we only managed to scratch the surface so I hope I get the chance to talk to Christer again soon and do a deep dive in to his story.  I did not know Christer personally before meeting him in his lovely Las Buitreras lodge in southern Patagonia so I did not know what to expect from this titan of the fly fishing industry. I has very happy to find a deeply passionate angler that even with all his years of fishing still burns for the thrill of his next adventure. Enjoy !