InDesignSecrets Podcast 167
InDesign Secrets - A podcast by Blatner and Concepcion
InDesign Events; ID to EPUB scripts; Shortcut of the Week; Quizzler Update; Obscurity of the Week: Japanese Dots
Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-167.mp3 (15.9 MB, 28:51 minutes)
See the Show Notes for links mentioned in this episode. The transcript of this podcast will be posted soon.
- Upcoming InDesign Events and Deadlines
- March 2: Early bird ends for Print + ePublishing Conference (May 14-16, San Francisco)
- March 3: Creating Digital Publications with InDesign, UC Berkeley
- June 13-14: InDesignSecretsLive! in NYC
- Three must-have free scripts for InDesign to EPUB (and other uses)
- TomaxxiLinkRename
- PerfectPrepText (download link, blog post to come)
- CSSGeometry (thank you Kris at Rorohiko!)
- Keyboard shortcut of the Week: Command-Shift-V (Ctrl-Shift-V)
- Quizzler Update: Code Breaker (see below) due midnight Feb 29!
- Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Japanese Dots
News and special offers from our sponsors:
>> Rorohiko’s TextExporter 3.1 plug-in makes exporting text out of InDesign CS2-CS5.5 so simple! You can export all the stories in an ID file into one single RTF, plain text, or ID tagged text file, and you control how it orders the text as it extracts and concatenates it. Special for InDesignSecrets listeners: Use the coupon code INDESIGNSECRETS167 in the store to get 25% off the TextExporter plug-in.
>> In-Tools is the developer of AutoFlow Pro, an InDesign plug-in that lets you fully control the layout of both text and images by dynamically shrinking and expanding individual text frames and threaded stories using your settings. (And it’s a great solution for easy alternate layouts for DPS.) Check out their AutoFlow page for details, screenshots, documentation, and to download a free trial!
Links mentioned in this podcast:
> Register for PePCon by March 2 for up to $200 off
> PePCon 2012 Event on LinkedIn; see which of your contacts are attending
> Diane Burns' Creating Digital Publications with InDesign, UC Berkeley
> Info and registration for our 2-day, single track InDesignSecretsLive! in NYC, June 12-13, 2012
> Forum discussion about Jongware's preptext.jsx script
> David's PowerStyles plug-in can also do what PerfectPrepText does (and more)
> Cari Janssen's article about TomaxxiLinkRename script
> Anne-Marie's post about TextExporter & exporting text from ID
> Japanese dots post by Cari
> Orthogonal paste (or "paste without formatting") post by David
Listeners: The mystery image is below. CLUE: The last character is Sonata, here's a character map
To enter this episode’s Quizzler: Send an email to [email protected] with the word QUIZZLER in the subject line and the correct answer to the puzzle (as described in the podcast). You have until February 29 2012 at midnight CDT to send in your answer, one per user! We will randomly choose a winner from the correct answer(s). Winner will be announced in the first podcast in February, and receives the prize: a copy of every single one of our eBooks!