InDesignSecrets Podcast 184

InDesign Secrets - A podcast by Blatner and Concepcion


PEPCON 2013; Animation in InDesign; Horror Story; Quizzler; Obscurity of the Week: Convert to Motion Path


Listen in your browser: InDesignSecrets-184.mp3(13 MB, 24:17 minutes)

See the Show Notes for links mentioned in this episode.
  • News: PEPCON 2013!
  • Animation Features in InDesign: What Can You Use them For?
  • Another "InDesign Horror Story" with an Acrobat flair
  • Quizzler! Get out your Find Font thinking caps
  • Obscure InDesign Feature of the Week: Convert to Motion Path
News and special offers from our sponsors:
>> Mag+ ( is an efficient and affordable digital publishing platform to create apps for tablet devices straight from InDesign. In the latest version (4.0), you can now publish to Smartphones as well –including iPhone 5. The Mag+ tools are FREE to download from their website, and work with CS4, CS5 and CS6. You can use the bundled InDesign templates, and take advantage of their innovative Review button to quickly see fully-functional touchscreen previews. For more information go to
>> Rorohiko’s StoryTweaker ($99) plug-in lets editors and writers access your InDesign file’s text without needing to own InDesign or InCopy. The plug-in is associated with one InDesign seat, but allows that user to create an unlimited number of AssignmentTweaker sets, which is what the editors open and work on. The workflow is spelled out on the StoryTweaker site, and there’s a 20-day free trial available. Special for InDesignSecrets listeners.
INDESIGN HORROR STORIES: We want to hear your stories! Send us a short (less than 3 minutes) "InDesign doc/client/user Horror Story" that we can play on the air (you'll be anonymous) in an upcoming episode: leave us a voice message at +1-801-459-4477 to record it, or send in your own voice recording. Please follow-up with an e-mail, which we will keep private, including any additional information that you'd like us to know. You'll get a nifty gifty from us if we play it in a podcast!
QUIZZLER: To enter this episode’s Quizzler, send an email to [email protected] with the word QUIZZLER in the subject line and the correct answer to the puzzle (as described in the podcast).  You have until December 9, 2012 at midnight CDT to send in your answer, one per user! We will randomly choose a winner from the correct answer(s). Winner will be announced in the first podcast in December, and receives the prize: a copy of three of our eBooks!
Links mentioned in this podcast:
> All about QuarkImmedia and here's David's Real World Quark Immedia book!
> PDF of Adobe Success Story, Belle & Wissel's Born Magazine (SWF Magazine)
> Anne-Marie's blog post with links to Born Magazine source files
> eDocker Publisher enhances InDesign SWF magazines & makes HTML5 tablet apps
> PressRun converts InDesign animations to HTML5/CSS3 for its tablet apps
> SWFPresenter script from Martinho DeGloria's Automatication website
> Fritz's blog post about the SWFPresenter script
> Anne-Marie's free video on Making Your Own Motion Paths in InDesign

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