InDesignSecrets Podcast 235

InDesign Secrets - A podcast by Blatner and Concepcion


In this episode:

News and special offers from our sponsors:

>> Teacup Software is a consulting firm and a vendor of simple, elegant, and unobtrusive plug-ins for InDesign, including BarCodeMaker, PatternMaker (developed with our own David Blatner), and DataLinker, for linking to databases. Teacup moved to a subscription-based pricing model earlier this year. You can take 15% off the first year of any subscription when you enter the code IDSECRETS15. Hurry, this offer will end in a few weeks.

Listen to the podcast for the Quizzler, a simple question about InDesign that you can answer with a little searching. When you find the answer, email it to us at info at with QUIZZLER in the Subject line (not in a comment here!). We'll choose a winner from all the correct answers we've received by SEPTEMBER 20. Winner will be notified by email and announced in the next podcast, and we'll send the prize to them too!

Links mentioned in this podcast:

The mysterious Zoom Setting:


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