EP 498: The Secret Fears of the Avoidantly Attached: What They're Really Running From
Let’s Get Vulnerable: Relationship and Dating Advice - A podcast by Dr. Morgan Anderson
🥳 EPISODE LINKS: START YOUR HEALING JOURNEY & GET OUR LIMITED TIME BLACK FRIDAY OFFER: Click Here to Apply to the Empowered.Secure.Loved. Relationship ProgramBOUNDARIES ARE HOT HATS: ORDER HEREGO FIND THE SHOW ON YOUTUBE: Dr. Morgan TVLOVE MAGNET DR MORGAN’S BOOK: GRAB YOUR COPY TODAY! FIND OUT YOUR UNIQUE ATTACHMENT STYLE: Click Here to Take The Free Quiz Today’s episode is an inside look at the secret fears of the avoidantly attached dater. Inside this episode: Independence as a defense mechanism against vulnerability How fear of losing control sabotages connection for avoidantly attached people The 4-Step Process for rewiring your brain for secure attachment This episode will hit home for you whether you are someone who is avoidantly attached, or you have dated someone who is. The reality is, no matter your attachment style there is hope for healing. You can always rewire your brain and become securely attached. This holiday season, I created the “Secure December: Total Healing Package” just for you. This December when you join the Empowered.Secure.Loved. Relationship Program, you will receive: $500 off the program, the Break-Up Academy Course at no additional cost, and a BONUS month in the program (valued over $1200) Give yourself the gift of healing; it’s the best thing you can do for your future self, and you deserve it. Click Here to Apply to the Empowered.Secure.Loved. Relationship Program