RE-AIR: But What About Rome?! Roman Mythology & the Great Mother Cybele
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold - A podcast by Liv Albert and iHeartPodcasts

Naturally, as soon as Liv was ready to get settled in Toronto, she came down with a terrible cold and sounds half human half lawnmower, so today we're bringing you a little more ancient Rome, since it's all the rage right now. Liv dives (or perhaps wades into the shallows) of Roman mythology and religion, and tells the story of how the Phrygian goddess Cybele ended up in Italy. CW/TW: far too many Greek myths involve assault. Given it's fiction, and typically involves gods and/or monsters, I'm not as deferential as I would be were I referencing the real thing. Sources: entry on Cybele, Agdistis, and Attis; Ovid's Fasti, translated by James G. Frazer; Roman Mythology by David Stuttard; Wikipedia for sourcing, etc.; the Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion. Attributions and licensing information for music used in the podcast can be found here: for privacy information.