4 Ways to Find Your Happy with Klyn Elsbury #108

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

Klyn Elsbury has Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic condition that nearly claimed her life 5 years ago. Today, Klyn is living her "second chance." Her close call with mortality has made her ever present to the gift in each moment + given her a unique ability to unearth happiness in every moment. Join me and Klyn (live! we recorded this together on the road) as she walks you through four ways to find your happy right now. SHOW NOTES It's always going to be different and tough. Get over it. I know I can control the moment and how I feel about the moment. I've come to terms with my disease and when you come to terms with it, then you can focus on what you can do in the moment. I decided if this is the end I am at least going to go out fighting. Your reminder of the miracle of life is the moment you wake up each morning. Make of it what you want. What can you control in the moment? What can you do? Find the power in that. 4 Ways to Find Your Happy Now: Perceived control: Choose your thoughts + situations just like you choose the clothes out of your closet every morning. Perceived progress: Set your goal and actually do something about it everyday. Don't wait for one day because one day never comes, okay? Connectedness: Stop connecting to WiFi. Start connecting to each other.  Vision or meaning: You've got your goals. Now, bring it to a bigger purpose. There are different types of happy: Pleasure - getting flowers Passion - when you are in "your flow" Purpose - bigger cause Chase your purpose. Everything else will follow. Seeking your purpose? Don't just reflect ACT. MOVE. DO.  Did you enjoy hearing John talk to a guest in person? Check out episode 1 with Brian Buffini. Or, episode 89 with Coach Kath Bresnahan.  KLYN ELSBURY'S LIVE INSPIRED 7 1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? Compound Effect, Darin Hardy. My main takeaway: Where you are heading right now will continue to snow ball through your entire life. If you don't like the trajectory of the life in which you are heading, change it right now. 2. What is a characteristic or trait that you possessed as a child that you wish you still exhibited today? Owning your power, appreciating it and not being afraid to use it. 3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be?  I'm not going back in. I don't care. I don't need of it. None of it matters. 4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? John O'Leary 2.0. Let's do it! 5. What is the best advice you've ever received? When someone loves you enough to tell you you are messing up so you can come out stronger on the other side.  6. What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? You are more capable than you have any clue. 7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read? And she's still laughing. *** If you enjoyed today’s episode: Subscribe, rate & review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. See you here next Thursday! Live Inspired with John daily on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram + get his Monday Motivation email. Get a John's #1 National Best-selling book ON FIRE here (use code podcast at checkout for 15% off).

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