[AskJohn] How do you turn your attitude around when nothing is going right? Ep. 107

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

Each Monday during November, I am going to do a special short, Q&A episode. During this season of gratitude, I thought it would be a fun way to say THANK YOU. To answer your questions and to shine a spotlight on YOU, our wonderful Live Inspired Community members and friends. Today's question was submitted through the 100 Episode Survey we did a few weeks back. Thanks to everyone who participated! If you have ever have questions or feedback, you can always send them to me and my team at info @ johnolearyinspires.com. Today you'll meet our dear friend Amy. I think you'll love hearing her story + her question.  SHOW NOTES: I quickly mentioned Jack Buck... my hero! If you've never heard the story of our friendship, check out episode #32 here. I mentioned my How To Write Your Ignition Statement video as a resource to create a solution to today's question in your own life. Here's a link to get it. Use code podcast for 15% off. I mentioned my 3 favorite questions to reshape your thinking from a VICTIM of circumstance to a VICTOR in life. Get my wristbands with these questions on them here. Use code podcast for 15% off. *** If you enjoyed today’s episode: Subscribe, rate & review on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. See you here next Thursday (and Monday during November!)! Live Inspired with John daily on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram + get his Monday Motivation email. Get a John's #1 National Best-selling book ON FIRE here (use code podcast at checkout for 15% off).

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