Brave Enough to Be Broken | Toni Collier (ep. 510)

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

We all have moments of trauma, abuse, childhood wounds, or toxic relationships that have broken us. And yet, our past brokenness doesn’t have to stand in the way of a life of filled with hope, joy and peace.   In sharing her own journey of processing brokenness, Toni Collier reminds each of us of the bright light that stands on the other side of healing from shame and suffering.     As a speaker, author and leader of Broken Crayons Still Color ministry, Toni wants others to not only face our demons, but to quash the illusion of our brokenness and live the most colorful life possible.   Today’s conversation will reinspire the belief that you can be broken and worthy.

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