Embrace Your Secret Power (Emotions at Work #122)

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

Embracing your emotions at work is the key to being more fulfilled, genuine + professional. Liz Fosslien, co-author + illustrator of the just-released book No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work,  joins us to share how to recognize, understand + channel emotions to be the best versions of ourselves. This light-hearted conversation will help you value and feel your emotions so you can live + work more inspired. SHOW NOTES:  Suppressing emotions is not sustainable. Processing your emotions will allow you to feel better. Currently we (1) seek jobs we're passionate about + (2) our work is literally in our hands (via phone) 24/7. Therefore, our self worth is tied more closely to the work we do. Combat the stress + burnout that come from caring about work "too much" by intentionally striking a balance between work and home + feeling your feelings. Tips to Embrace Your Emotions: Engage in what's happening in the moment to ignite happiness. A wandering mind leads to obsessively thinking (read: stress, anxiety). Check out the research on this that Liz mentioned here + here.  How to interact with 3 difficult types of people at work: Jerks (mean, uses vulnerability against you): Have empathy / a conversation with them. Dissenters (always points out problem, never has solution): Ask, "What could you have done differently?" or "What can you do to improve the situation?" Slackers (not doing the job their supposed to do): You can not offer a criticism without offering a solution. Receive feedback better. Specifically: Create an emotion flak-jacket. Remind yourself: "I need this to improve. He/she shared this because they value me and my success." Create a Smile File: Receive a note that makes you feel good? Save it to this file. The next time you receive critic, this file will remind you of your strengths, too. Resist "us v. them" + embrace "we." People are different. Explore those differences with curiosity. Stimulate belonging: Create a space where people feel  welcomed + wanted. Counter sadness by expressing gratitude. We often paint a more depressing picture of the world than what is true.  Get Liz's new book No Hard Feelings here. Learn more about Liz + her work on her website. Liz mentioned the video the MLB Network created about my unlikely friendship with Jack Buck. Check it out here. LIZ FOSSLIEN'S LIVE INSPIRED 7  1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. 2. What is a characteristic or trait that you possessed as a child that you wish you still exhibited today? Staying a little weird. We morph into professionals or parents (+ feel like we have to set examples). It's important to love the life you're living. 3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be? The book my partner made featuring photographs of our lives. 4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? Haruki Murakami who wrote What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. 5. What is the best advice you've ever received? When I left the traditional corporate world, "One of the worst things we do is have the courage to step out and go on our own path but still judge ourselves on someone else's rubric. It's a beautiful thing to want something that originates from yourself." 6. What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? Just chill out! It's okay. You can be weird the right people will love you for it. Be smart. Be curious. Be kind. 7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read?  She helped me feel better. *** If you enjoyed today’s episode: Subscribe, rate & review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. See you here next Thursday! Live Inspired with John daily on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram + get his Monday Motivation email.

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