'Presidential Podcast' Host on the "Unprecedented" Election of 2020 (ep. 302)

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

Just days away from what might be the most impactful American presidential election in history, in the midst of a pandemic, with high stakes + anxiety regardless the side of the aisle you sit on...  It’s all unprecedented.  Or is it? The headlines continue to refer to this election as “unprecedented” – but I’m not so sure it is! Join me and the host of the award-winning Presidential Podcast Lillian Cunningham for a bipartisan conversation about past elections, presidents, their legacies + what this lens means for us as we near our“unprecedented” election day 2020.   If you could use a reminder that the best days of our nation’s history remain in front of us, this episode is for you! SHOW NOTES: As life-longer learners, Lillian's parents instilled the importance of education both formally + by taking initiative to seek out knowledge. Fiction writer or astronaut? What drew Lillian to pursue her undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago was their expectation of students to take classes in across a wide range of subjects. Prior to the 2016 Presidential election, Lillian sought to refresh her knowledge on past United States presidents by launching Presidential, a podcast that explores the character, leadership and legacy of each of the American presidents. Lillian shares the divisiveness of Rutherford B. Hayes election in 1876. "At early ages, they had to learn how to step into advanced leadership roles + roles of responsibility." - Lillian Cunningham on how many presidents were raised by strong mother figures because of absent fathers. Scandals of President hopefuls: While "scandal" may be synonymous with politics, Lillian notes Grover Cleveland was the first candidate during the modern era to face this type of backlash we're familiar with today. "There is something disturbing yet comforting about realizing  we've been through scandal, division and dark moments in our nation's history." Listen to Presidential podcast here. Learn more about Lillian Cunningham and her other award-winning podcasts here. LILLIAN CUNNINGHAM'S LIVE INSPIRED 7 1. What is the best book you’ve ever read? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. 2. What is a characteristic or trait that you possessed as a child that you wish you still exhibited today? I was very attuned + sensitive to things around me. 3. Your house is on fire, all living things and people are out. You have the opportunity to run in and grab one item. What would it be? I keep a little white stone in my jewelry box that is symbolic to me. 4. You are sitting on a bench overlooking a gorgeous beach. You have the opportunity to have a long conversation with anyone living or dead. Who would it be? My paternal grandfather who passed away before I was born. 5. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Work shouldn't feel like work. 6. What advice would you give your 20-year-old self? Relax a little bit. Live in the present. 7. It’s been said that all great people can have their lives summed up in one sentence. How do you want yours to read? She made life more meaningful for other people.   *** About our sponsor: Keeley Companies wholeheartedly believes that if you get the people right -the results will follow. They set themselves apart with a forward-thinking culture that empowers their people and fosters loyal partnerships. Keeley Companies are a proud sponsor, partner, and super fan of the Live Inspired Podcast. Learn more about Keeley Companies. *** My new book IN AWE is now available… and became an instant bestseller! Learn how to rediscover your childlike sense of wonder to unleash inspiration, meaning and joy. Visit ReadInAwe.com today! 

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