S5 | Ep. 55: Highlights

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

"Success leaves a blueprint." My friends success leaves a blueprint and we are lucky to have 10 amazing guests who shared their blueprint - trials, errors, challenges, wins, successes, joys - with us this season. Learning from their model, we will become more inspired in the way we lead our lives. I can't believe we get to hang out with these amazing friends. II’ll recap my favorite lessons, so you can be reminded and/or encouraged to go back to the episodes that are most relevant for you; so that you can live your most inspired life with a little help from our friends. SHOW NOTES: Ep. #45: SALLY HOGSHEAD, listen here. Sally typically shares her expertise on branding with major brands like Nike, Ikea and Target. On this episode, she helps us identify our best qualities, and those of our businesses, so we can better connect with others and live inspired. You'll love the simple Fascination Quiz she shares so you can dig deeper after the episode. Sally also told a story she doesn't often share, during which she said, "My dad gave me life and then 10 years later, he gave it back to me." You'll understand more about what she meant by the quote and what it means to each of us when you listen. Ep. #46 DENNIS GILLAN, listen here. This was a special episode for Suicide Prevention Month and one of the most emotional, yet joy-filled and humorous ones, we've had. Dennis has been to the darkest places and yet come back out to show us how we can live in the light. Dennis committed his life to reducing the number of completed suicides and removing the stigma around mental health after losing his two brothers to suicide. His story helps us break down the stigma around mental health and better care for ourselves, those we love and those in the wake of suicide already. Ep. #47 DANIEL SILVERSTEIN - listen here. So many of us are experts at identifying what is wrong in the world, aren’t we? On this episode we were joined by a guest who didn't just identify what was wrong in his industry, he created a solution to the problem… and built an inspired business around it. Daniel Silverstein will inspire you to look at your challenges as opportunities to make a bigger impact. My favorite quote was: "Why NOT me?" Why can't I be the change needed in my industry, neighborhood, family. Ep. #48 MARK SANBORN - listen here. “It was out of abject failure that I learned to professionally speak.” This was astounding to hear Mark Sanborn say as he hero of mine, giant in the speaking industry and author of the much loved The Fred Factor and just released The Potential Principle. Hang out with us to realize the truth in one of his popular quotes, "We enjoy our successes but learn more from our setbacks.” Ep. #49 DINA DWYER-OWENS - listen here. Dina is a new friend that I met through Rory Vaden, a self-discipline expert who joined us in Season 2 on episode 3x. Rory rocked. When he said "You gotta meet Dina" I was ALL IN. Dina is co-chairwoman of Dwyer Group, has 3,000 franchisees across North America and appeared on the CBS hit Undercover Boss. She runs her business by focusing on clients, employees and a clear core value system. Learn how to apply this 3-part focus in your life so you can live and work inspired, too. Ep. #50 CURT STEINHORST - listen here. Ready to learn hacks to save your attention for things that REALLY matter? Did you know that: Every 6 minutes people check their phones. Married adults spend more time online than with their spouse. People spend 1 – 4 hours loafing on the internet during a work day. Wow — it’s easy to see the problem!  Curt explains the solutions he shares in his new book Can I Have Your Attention? so you can live inspired in this tech-centered world. Ep. #51 EDIE LITTLEFIELD SUNDBY - listen here. On this episode we went on an amazing journey, spanning the 1,600 miles of the El Camino Real "Mission" trail from Mexico to California. Better than the journey we took was the guide who led us. Edie Littlefield Sundby is know as "the mission walker" and her mantra is "while alive, live." Edie took a devastating cancer diagnosis and turned it into an opportunity to follow her dreams and look at every day as a "bonus". This episode is for anyone touched by illness. Edie's spirit will inspire you in ways you didn't know possible. Ep. #52 JOHN RUHLIN - listen here. "Are you sowing seeds for 50-year relationships or 5-minute relationships?” John Ruhlin will help you better understand this question and the importance of how you answer it. He teaches generosity as a competitive advantage in business for clients like NASCAR and the Miami Dolphins and is the author of Giftology. Join us to learn how to give more inspired gifts this year and always. Ep. #53 OZZIE SMITH - listen here. Join me and one of the St. Louis Cardinals players who signed baseballs for me when I was 9 and learning to write again after my fire. [Don't know the epic story? Listen to Ep. #32 to hear how Hall of Fame Cardinals Announcer Jack Buck changed my life + rallied the entire Cardinals team to join in his effort.] Ozzie shared about being a hall of fame shortstop and man. This episode was so special to me we recorded a video of it, too. Ep. #54 Richard Bach - listen here. We ended the season with the legendary author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull - a book that spent 2 years on the New York Times bestseller list and one that many of our podcast guests have listed as their favorite book when asked in the Live Inspired 7 at the end of every episode. Richard's writing, embraced by millions since the 1970s, suggests we are born to fly, and, we are free.  Don't miss this epic interview with a man who doesn't often give interviews. It's an honor to have him on the show. Don't miss it.  ***  If you enjoyed today’s episode: Subscribe (automatically get new episodes), rate & review (help spread the word!) this podcast. I can’t wait to see you here next Thursday for the start of Season 6! Today is your day. Live Inspired. Live Inspired with John every day on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest and get his Monday Motivation email: www.JohnOLearyInspires.com/Monday-Morning 

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