The Awesomeness of our Scars (Monday Moment ep. 699)

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

"The scars exist because the wounds have healed." -Henri Nouwen At the conclusion of filming On Fire the film, my bride Beth meticulously collected and arranged more than 100 photos from the months scouting locations, walking onto sets, predawn staff meetings and late evening crew wraps. She included photos capturing the emotions of shooting specific scenes: the fear on the day of the fire, the struggle of learning to walk in the hospital, the joy of coming home after five months, the elation of a first kiss and the agony of a final goodbye. Paging through this photo album recently with my niece, Lottie, brought back all the memories of filming On Fire. It was, however, a picture I had spent little time contemplating that my niece most wanted to talk about. Why it caught her attention, and more importantly what she said about it, might elevate how you view things today.  Let me explain.

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