The Live Inspired Together Manifesto (ep. 343)

Live Inspired Podcast with John O'Leary - A podcast by John O'Leary

“During a period of personal heartache, professional adversity and societal upheaval, I’ve been encouraged by the words you speak, stories you share and impact your organization is part of. Thank you.” - Mark W., Live Inspired Together Community Member Years ago our Live Inspired team went through the process of clarifying why we do the work we do, what we stand for, and what we hope to achieve through our efforts. In understanding the True North of our business and creating our manifesto, we became clear on what to say yes to, and what to say no to. I hope our manifesto empowers you, enlightens your spirit, refocuses you on what is important and helps you take your next right step. Hope is not a plan; use this manifesto to live your best life. But hope is not a plan, is it? That is why we are going to start gathering once a month, so we can support each other in living this manifesto. So beginning this Saturday, March 27th from 9 – 9:30 AM CT, join me and our community for a webcast! Click here to add it to your calendar. Or, at the time of the event simply go to my page on your favorite social site Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn. This will be an interactive experience, the content will be inspirational, actionable and a wonderful way to invest 30 minutes of your Saturday morning discussing with our Live Inspired Together: “Living Your Bucket List.” Can’t wait to see you Saturday. Get excited. You’ll be joining a community of friends and changing the world together. Starting with their own. *** Join our Live Inspired Together community, text PODCAST2021 to 314-207-5010. *** Did you enjoy this episode? Subscribe, rate & review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. 

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