#27 Showing someone with BPD the Pro's and Con's of their good and bad side, It worked for me!!!
Living In The Third Degree With BPD - A podcast by Brad S.

This is a theory that I designed just a short time ago that will allow you to show your person with BPD pros and cons of their good side and bad side give them credit where credit is due but explain it to them the cons of the bad side and the description and chaos that it causes and the lives around them. *** AUDIBLE.COM SPECIAL FOR LISTNERS *** Click the link below for a special for our listeners! ONE FREE MONTH of audible.com and 2 FREE AUDIBLE BOOKS which are YOURS TO KEEP FOREVER even if you decide to cancel! https://www.amazon.com/hz/audible/mlp/membership/plus?ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1524216631897&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=eggshellpod09-20&linkId=c2ccdbcfbc874edb7e88243891afdc1d