#43 All black and white ignoring the gray
Living In The Third Degree With BPD - A podcast by Brad S.

no matter how much you speak or write to someone with BPD about anything between the black and white they will ignore due to there is no middle ground with BPD. ****** Please feel free to send me an email with questions, comments or feedback to [email protected] ****** ** AUDIBLE.COM SPECIAL FOR LISTNERS *** Click the link below for a special for our listeners! ONE FREE MONTH of audible.com and 2 FREE AUDIBLE BOOKS which are YOURS TO KEEP FOREVER even if you decide to cancel! https://www.amazon.com/hz/audible/mlp/membership/plus?ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1524216631897&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=eggshellpod09-20&linkId=c2ccdbcfbc874edb7e88243891afdc1d