Christian Citizenship
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 13:1-7What does the Bible say about Christian citizenship? What are our responsibilities, duties, and rights? What are Christians to do, to think, and how are we instructed to behave?Many Christian citizens shy away from political involvement for various reasons. Some are discouraged, and others are intimidated or annoyed. But Romans 13:1-7 encourages us first to look at the reasons for human government.The Bible tells us that human government is ordained by God. Daniel 2:21 says, “He [the Lord] removes kings and raises up kings." God ordains human government for two reasons: to restrain evil and to reward good.Romans 13 also outlines the requirements for human government. And in Matthew 22, Jesus tells the people, “Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21).As Christians, our responsibility is, first and foremost, to God; but we do have a responsibility to human government. Adrian Rogers says, “Separation of church and state does not mean the separation of God and government.” The government is here to restrain evil. The church is here to preach the Gospel. The state is not the master of the church, and the church is not the master of the state. The church is the conscience of the state. We are here to hold up a standard of truth.There are six duties Christian citizens have concerning our government.Pay our government: Jesus paid His taxes; we ought to do likewise.Pray for our government: Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest responsibility in America is not in the White House but in the church house.”Praise our government: We are to give honor to whom honor is due.Preach to our country: Adrian Rogers says, “We dare not identify the Christian faith with the Democrat or the Republican Party. We need to be free to tell both parties to repent and get right with God.”Participate in our government: Christians are to participate, not on the basis of parties, but principles. We are to be informed.Persuade our government: Our hope for America is to change public opinion. The Great Commission remains the same: we are instructed to win souls for Jesus Christ.Apply it to your lifeHave you been a good steward of your Christian citizenship? Are you involved? Get informed and pray for our government.