Dealing with Doubt
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 John 5:13As Christians, we have the opportunity to know without a doubt that we have eternal life. Praise God, we can be saved and know it; but we can also be saved and doubt it.As pain is a signal that there is something wrong with one’s physical body, doubt is a signal that something is wrong in the believer’s spirit.1 John 5 is written for those who are dealing with doubt, so that we may be saved and know it.“These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:13).Understanding this, we can dispel doubt through these three basic tests:Commandment TestIf we claim to love God, we will keep His commandments (1 John 5:2). This does not mean we follow these commandments flawlessly. In this context, to “keep” means to steer. The commandments of God are the standard by which we chart our course. We order our lives by His commandments. This is not about sinless perfection; it simply means a Christian does not make sin his lifestyle.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “We’re not saved because we keep his commandments. We keep his commandments because we are saved.”Companion TestAnother birthmark of the Believer is love for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Fellowship is in the nature of both the Christian and the Church.Adrian Rogers says, “The Church and God are not identical, but they are inseparable.”If we love Jesus, we will love the Church—because of who we are, and who fellow believers are. We, having the nature of God, are called to love the Church, which is both the Body and the Bride of Christ.Commitment TestThe assurance of our salvation is ongoing; it is not a past event, stamped by a time, date and place. It is a present decision to trust in Jesus, right now. We can trust in Him, for He alone is the assurance of our salvation.Apply it to your lifeDo you have doubts about your faith? Consider these tests; if you don’t know whether your doubt is the Holy Spirit’s conviction, or the devil’s tactic, believe in Jesus.