Dealing with Stress
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Isaiah 40:28-31Many of us are emotionally fatigued, physically drained, and spiritually defeated; the reason being that most of us are dealing with some form of stress. Stress is the gap between the demands placed upon us and our ability to meet them. It’s not a sin to be stressed; Jesus Christ, in His humanity, knew what it was like to be weary.If it is not the demands of service that drain us, sin and spiritual warfare will weary us. But we must remember that God promises His insurmountable strength to us.Isaiah 40:28 says, “He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.”Adrian Rogers says, “The Christian life is not just a changed life; it is an exchanged life: we give Him our weakness and He gives us His strength.”Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.”When we wait on God, we take the initiative in actively pursuing Him. Practically, we must:Long for Him dailyListen to Him in our quiet timeLook to Him for our every needLive for Him, dedicating our lives to the service of the Lord.When we wait upon God, we are programmed for His service.In times of adversity, God will help us fly. We will face storms in this life that will surely stress us out. But if we wait on God, like an eagle, we can rise higher, see further, and fly faster.In times of opportunity, God will teach us to run. There’s enough time every day to do everything God wants us to do; sometimes we have to run to get it done. As we accelerate, we trust in God to sustain us, so that we will not grow weary.And in times of necessity, God will aid us to walk through the mundane. Our greatest need is day-by-day faithfulness in the little things, steadily walking in the regular humdrum times of life.Apply it to your lifeIf you believe in the promises of God, you must wait upon Him every day. Long for Him daily, listen for His voice in your time alone with Him, look to Him for every need, and live for Him.