Families that Choose Life
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Exodus 20:13Exodus 20:13 reveals the sixth commandment: “You shall not murder.”Life is God’s wonderful gift that we might choose to enjoy. Jesus is the great life-giver; He alone gives us physical, spiritual, and eternal life. John 10:10 says, “I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” And Adrian Rogers says, “With his body, a man knows the world beneath him; with his soul, the world around; and with his spirit, the world above him.”We have an enemy who wants to destroy life. He wants to bring physical, spiritual, and eternal death. His method is deception; he deceives, then destroys, then damns. We must be families that choose life; we must protect the physical, spiritual, and eternal lives within our homes.The family is given to protect physical life.As true Christians who believe in love and life, we should be deeply disturbed by the senseless murders broadcast on the news. We should be alarmed by the increasing rates of suicide, heartbroken for those who could feel so hopeless. We are also called to oppose abortion; we should never be desensitized by the crime of infanticide. In a world that dares to discredit the value of our unborn children, we must speak on their behalf. Protecting physical life also means preserving the family from wicked vices and addictions. Alcohol, drugs, binge eating, cruelty, and hatred destroy the family from the inside out. We must oppose them.The family is given to provide social life.In such an untrustworthy society, we are called to make home the happiest place on earth for our children, setting them up for good health and success.The family is given to present spiritual life.Moms and dads ought to lead their children to Jesus, praying for and pleading for their spiritual life until there is full assurance that they are truly saved.Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “Families need to choose life! You’ve got to build a wall around the roof of your house, lest your children fall off.You need to protect them; their physical life.You need to provide their social life and make home the happiest place on earth.And you need to pray for and plead for their spiritual life and say, ‘I will not go to Heaven without my children to come with me.’”