Family Fitness
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:191 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body...”We have been commanded to treat our bodies as temples to maintain and dedicate to God for His glory. Our bodies are carefully crafted, finely tuned machines, and our maintenance manual is the Word of God.There are some reasons why we have physical ailments that are not in our control; but whatever we can control, we are responsible for maintaining.There are four principles to remember as we work on our family fitness.1. Family fitness is a matter of discipline.1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."We must be disciplined in our diet and exercise, which extends our life expectancy and improves our wellbeing. In a world of fad diets and quick fixes, we are called to consume natural, real foods, within the right portions. There needs to be discipline in how we rest. Psalm 127:2 warns us: “It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for He gives His beloved sleep.”2. Family fitness is a matter of disposition.Choosing to express positive emotions should be part of our family fitness regime. Adrian Rogers says, “Hardening of the attitudes is just as bad as hardening of the arteries.” Stress will derail us physically; it will cripple our thinking, weaken our bodies, and reduce our efficiency. We must guard our hearts and minds against hatefulness and stress.3. Family fitness is a matter of devotion.When we love God and serve Him in the church as we should, we can experience an increase in health.4. Family fitness is a matter of decision.We will not stumble across family fitness, physically, mentally, or spiritually. It takes work to gain and maintain, work that we decide to do intentionally. Our families should stand out by our faith and our fitness, recognizing our responsibility to maintain our bodies as unto the Lord.Apply it to your lifeDo you recognize any areas in your health, or your family’s health, that could improve? Make the decision to maintain your family’s health, physically and spiritually.