Finding God's Way in a Dark Day
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

As smart or successful as any of us can become, we can lose our way in the darkness. And these are dark days indeed. But God wants to lead his people.Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”God has a plan, not just for the nations or the congregations. God has a plan for individuals. He has a plan for you. He has a plan and a purpose for every step you take.Our privilege as Believers is to find, follow and finish the will of God. In order to do that, we have to truly trust in Him. To trust in Him, we must truly love Him. To love Him, we must truly know Him. To know Him, we must spend time with Him.In our time with him, He speaks. He speaks through Scripture, through the Holy Spirit. Adrian Rogers said, “I believe when we pray, God knows how to speak to the human heart.”God does not leave His will for us a secret. He wants us to find understanding, just not our own. He desires to share His wisdom and understanding with us. He wants us to have full confidence in Him, and a total commitment to His ways, so that we may see the thrilling consequences of doing His will.Mountains melt and valleys are filled in the presence of God, who makes the paths straight for those who choose to follow Him through the wilderness. To do God’s will is the highest achievement of any person. Do not be afraid of it.####Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers says, “If you would know God’s way, you’d better know God’s Word.” Find God’s will for your life in His Word today. Read Scripture today with an open heart, without fear. And pray; talk with God. May your prayers resemble Christian leader, Stephen Olford’s: “Anywhere. Any time. Any cost. Amen.”