Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 17:17Adrian Rogers says, “The greatest joy of your life or the greatest disappointment of your life is going to be your friend.” Our deepest longings, whether we’re young or old, are for enduring friendships. We all want to commune with someone who truly understands our deepest needs, our highest aspirations, and our worst fears.A true friend is a great treasure, as Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”We are all instructed to have casual friendships with those who are not saved, but we should not be so intimate with them that we regress in our faith.This is especially true for our children; teenagers are more affected by friends than almost anything else. The wrong kind of friend is the greatest danger that a teenager can possibly have because we ultimately become like our friends. Every teenager starts out as a simple teenager, having knowledge but lacking spiritual wisdom and understanding. Teenagers are easily led into error, ready to believe anything.If a child remains naive, he becomes a scorner, he defies instruction and despises the good and godly. Because of this, he is destined for destruction. The scorner is very hard to reach, but there is still hope for him. If the scorner is not reclaimed, he becomes a fool; the scorner is insolent, but the fool is immovable. The fool rejects wisdom, ridicules righteousness, and rejoices in iniquity. His moral sense has been so perverted, he thinks good is evil and evil is good.We cannot allow our impressionable teenagers to hang around with scorners and fools; we must be firm with who we allow them to be friends with. As parents, we must help them to understand the dangers that are involved, carefully guard their company, and teach the importance of their choices.Adrian Rogers reminds us, “You’re free to choose, but you’re not free to choose the consequences of your choice. After you choose, then your choice chooses for you.”Apply it to your lifeAdrian Rogers reveals six things to keep in mind when raising teenagers:-Have a positive attitude-Learn to listen to them-Try to see life from their point of view-Be gentle with them-Learn to touch, hug and show non-verbal expression-Be available to your kids