How to Be the Father of a Wise Child
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Proverbs 1:20-22These days, our nation is in troubled waters, and the problem is rooted in fathers who fail to accept their responsibility. The Book of Proverbs reveals how to be the father of a wise child.Proverbs 1:22 says, “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge.”When our children are young, they are simple, ignorant, and careless, which is to be expected. However, some children are never taught to grow in wisdom and remain simple in their adulthood. They may have knowledge, but they lack spiritual wisdom and understanding. They are easily led into error, ready to believe anything.If a child remains naive and has not been led by his father, he becomes a scorner. He defies instruction and despises the good and godly. Because of this, he is destined for destruction.The scorner’s very hard to reach, but there is still hope for him. If the scorner is not reclaimed, he becomes a fool; the scorner is insolent, but the fool is immovable. The fool rejects wisdom, ridicules righteousness, and rejoices in iniquity. His moral sense has been so perverted, he thinks good is evil and evil is good.As parents, there are four things we must keep in mind in order to raise wise children.First, we need to expound truth to our children; saturate them in the Proverbs, emblazon the Ten Commandments into their consciousness, teach them the Beatitudes, that they might learn these simple, basic truths.Second, expose sin: children need to see the repercussions of sin to understand their weight. We must pull away the veil and show them the ugly truth of sin and its consequences.We must also expel scorners, as Proverbs 13:20 instructs, “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” We cannot let our young, impressionable children hang around scorners and fools; we must be firm with who we allow them to be friends with.Finally, we must express love; be gentle fathers, transparent and available.Adrian Rogers says, “Words can hurt your children more than an open hand and a slap in the face. Love your children and delight in them.”Apply it to your lifeAre you raising your children to be wise or foolish? Remember your instructions from Proverbs: expound truth, expose sin, expel scorners, and express love.