How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 12:6A spiritual gift is not a natural talent; it is a supernatural ability from God. We must discover our spiritual gifts and be good stewards of what God has given us to use for His glory.Romans 12:6 says, “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…”If we want to discover what our spiritual gifts are, we must first present ourselves as living sacrifices to God. We must willingly give Him all that we are, recognizing that our lives do not belong to us; rather, we first belong to Jesus, and then to one another.As living sacrifices, we stay put on the altar through discipline and devotion. Then we experience a complete transformation; Jesus becomes our inner nature, working from within. We cannot understand our spiritual gifts without the mind of Christ; when He renews our minds, we must think with them.Adrian Rogers says, “The Jesus hidden in you is the Jesus revealed in you.”Though we must carefully consider our gifts, we do not have to identify them before we begin to serve. No one has all the spiritual gifts, but every Believer has at least one. We must take inventory of how the Holy Spirit works in us. Think of when we feel most enlightened or when we find enjoyment, encouragement, or opportunity to serve.This is a shared participation; we must begin somewhere with what we have and give our gifts a chance to grow. Our gifts could be prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, or mercy, to name a few.When we seek out opportunities to serve in church, our gifts will be activated. If we are faithful to serve, we will eventually receive confirmation in our hearts of the assigned spiritual gifts.As we allow God to use these gifts in us to serve one another, we will see their true value in a much deeper way. God is glorified and the Church is strengthened when we serve each other with what He has graciously given to us.Apply it to your lifeToday, consider what your church’s greatest need is, and how you can be of best use. As you are figuring out where you fit in the Body, be open to things you may not see as “glamorous.”