How to Feel Good About God
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Psalm 23:5Many go about today with an incorrect perspective of God. We may believe He is a cosmic killjoy, who only exists to break up our good times. However, when we know God’s heart and His goodness, we’ll find that we feel good about Him.In Psalm 23:5, David uses three Jewish customs to exemplify how God truly feels about His children. Understanding their meanings can show us how to feel good about God.“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…”The Bible is full of stories of banquets, weddings, and miracles performed over meals; one could call God’s Word a continual feast. David says that God has welcomed us to His table and that He’s expected us and prepared for our presence.Adrian Rogers says, “Jesus meets the deepest hungers of our hearts and satisfies the deepest longings. He prepared a table of replenishment when there was the enemy of inadequacy.”Our fullness comes from Jesus’ restoration, remembrance, and redemption. Jesus doesn’t keep score of our wrongdoings, nor does He ignore us in anger when we fail Him. His disciple, Simon Peter, experienced this when he denied knowing Jesus three times. After His resurrection, Jesus reunited with Him over breakfast and lovingly restored their relationship.“You anoint my head with oil…”To anoint guests with oil is to acknowledge them as valuable, and refresh them before the feast. We can be glad in His presence; His mercies are new each morning. (See Lamentations 3:22-23.)Serving God only gets better, and His grace gets even sweeter, and His presence gets more real.“My cup runs over...”Filling one’s cup to the brim is the utmost sign of hospitality and friendship. To claim that our cup is overflowing means God wants us to stay in His presence for longer. It signifies that we are loved, cherished, and welcome for as long as we want.God is not stingy with His blessings, nor does He hold back; He gives freely, lavishly, wondrously, and abundantly. His peace passes all understanding, and His joy is unspeakable and full of glory.Apply it to your lifeIn Christ, we are full, refreshed, and free; don’t let the devil convince you to think negatively about God. Instead, remember Jesus’s words to you: “Come and dine.”