How to Have Fullness of Joy
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 15:11The life of a Christian is to be a life of continual, contagious joy; Adrian Rogers says, “Joy is not a nicety in the Christian life; it is an absolute necessity.” The fullness of joy is essential to winning the lost to Jesus Christ and bearing life’s burdens. The joy of the Lord is our strength. It is how we are able to face the heartaches and trials of life.John 15:11 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”The joy of Jesus Christ is abounding and supernatural.When we put our faith in Him, we don’t just get a cheap imitation of His joy—we get all of it. Remember, joy is not happiness; it does not depend on outward circumstances, but on Jesus Christ, who never changes. Joy does not remove the pain, but it helps us bear it.Adrian Rogers says, “Joy is not the subtraction of problems from life; joy is the addition of power to meet those problems.”Second, the joy of Jesus is an abiding joy; it doesn’t come and go—it stays.We are able to rejoice always, as Scripture implores us to, because the joy of the Lord will not leave in the dark times. This joy is steadfast in sorrow, triumphant in tribulation, lasting in losses, and abundant in affliction.The joy of Jesus is abundant joy.John 15:5 reveals the secret to joy is abiding in Jesus, living a life of surrender and dependence upon Him. Like a branch relies on a vine for its life and fruit, we rely on Jesus for this joy. John 15:9 says, “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.”The joy of the Lord is a life of restfulness and obedience.We can rest in knowing that His love and His power are continuous. And when we obey Him, our obedience will be made manifest by the fruit we bear.Finally, it is a life of rejoicing.The joy of Jesus gives our lives meaning. When we abide in Him, we experience the fullness of joy.Apply it to your lifeDo you abide in the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you rely on and rest in Him? Consider the joy in your heart today; is it evidence of a life of obedience?